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Handshakes: Five couples, including the host and his wife, attend a party. Throughout  the evening, as introductions are made, various people shake hands  (except couples do not shake each others' hands). At the end of the evening,  the host discovers that each of the other nine people at the party shook  hands a different number of times.  How many hands did the host shake, and how many hands his wife shake? 3 Cards: There are 3 cards: one is all red, one is all blue, and the third is blue  on one side and red on the other. The cards are shuffled. You pick one at  random and it is blue on the side facing you. What are the odds that it is  also blue on the other side? Five Hats: Three wise men are lined up in single file, each wearing a white hat.  They know there were 5 hats total, three white, and two black, but they  can only see the hats on the men in front of them. They don't speak unless  they figure out what color hat they have on. Who figures out first? 100 Switches: Yo

Riddles #1

Riddles #1 90% can't solve this.  Steve, George and Helen are drinking coffee. Bert, Karen and Divid are drinking soda. Now answer me this: is Peter drinking coffee or soda? Use your logic.

Fruits' jokes

Here some jokes about fruits. What is a vampire's favorite fruit?  A neck-tarine. How does a ghost eat an apple?  By goblin it. What is a ghost’s favorite fruit?  Boo-berries Apple. When is an apple a grouch?  When it's a crab apple. What do you call an apple that plays the trumpet?  A tooty fruity. What did the apple skin say to the apple?  I’ve got you covered. Why were the apple and the orange all alone?  Because the banana split Apricot. What is King Kong's favorite food?  Ape-ricots  Banana. What do two bananas do when they meet each other?  A banana shake. What kind of shoes are made from banana peels?  Slippers. Why did the banana go to the doctor?  Because it wasn’t peeling well. What did the banana in the sun say to the other banana in the sun?  I don't know about you but I'm starting to peel. What key do you use to open a banana?  A monkey Beans. What’s a tailor’s favorite kind of vegetable?  A string bean. What kind of vegetable is jealous?